Books like crossfire series

Books similar to Crossfire series

When you’re done reading these series, you’ll surely want to read more books like the Crossfire Series. This series started with Bared to You, which tells the complicated romantic story of the two protagonists; Eva Turnell and Gideon Cross. Published by Berkley Books, The Crossfire Series has sold over a million copies and became the biggest breakout book of the publishers. It has been on Apple’s and Penguin UK’s list for the most popular and fastest-selling books. If you already finished them and you are searching for more, we found other books similar to Crossfire Series that you will enjoy.

We discuss some of the best books like the Crossfire Series that have similar underlying themes and genre so that you have something to read once you’re done reading the Crossfire Series.

If you think that there are no books like Bared to You, then think twice.

Finding Books like the Crossfire Series

 Books like Crossfire Series

The first book in the series, Bared to You, follows the complicated romance of Gideon Cross, a billionaire, and Eva Tramell. Both of them are in their twenties and have a common past: they’re survivors of sexual abuse. As they fight a battle with their problematic pasts, they try to mend each other and have a healthy relationship that makes both of them happy.

If you enjoyed the book, you would to know some like books similar to Crossfire series too. Although the following books did not gain as much popularity as the Crossfire series, they were quite enjoyed by the readers.

Books similar to Crossfire series

List of Books like Crossfire Series

Here goes our list of books like books like Bared to You, are you ready to feel that overwhelming passion while reading? we hope you are, because these novels will become your new addiction.

Here’s our suggestions, not shown in any particular order:

7. Fixed on You by Laurelin Paige: a must in a list of books like Crosfire series

Remember that if you click on the book cover you’ll be able to get this novel:

Fixed on You follows Alayna Wither as she thinks of starting a new life with her MBA degree. The bar she works at gets a new owner, named Hudson Pierce, who is exactly the kind of guy she wants to stay away from. However, he offers her an attractive business offer, and she finds herself in bed with a man who has a past as dark as her.

Captivating, uh? well, there’s way more for you to discover in this series…

6. Craving by Helen Hardt: a similar books to Crossfire series

Jade Roberts is a loving and sweet woman. Talon Steel, having suffered immense childhood trauma, is her exact opposite but falls in love with her. However, his craving for her is something he finds hard to satisfy.

This is the first volume of the Steel Brothers series, a nice mixture of dark romance and mystery. If you end up loving this series then you’ll start a passionate long journey, because it is composed of none other than 25 volumes.

You wanted some books like Bared to You and you just got more than 2 dozens of novels with just one series, how cool is that?

5. A Million Dirty Secrets by C.L. Parker: a spicy book like the Crossfire series

Delaine Talbot auctions herself off to Noah Crawford, a wealthy businessman. What starts as a trade for sex turns into a love story. It’s steamy, it’s romantic, and its dirty.

There’s a lot going on in this series for sure.

4. Overruled by Emma Chase

Stanton Shaw is a handsome lawyer who is still in love with his ex-wife, also his daughter’s mother. However, she is remarrying, and he wants to win her back with the help of his friend Sofia.

This book is similar to Bared to You in more than one aspect, so check it out.

3. Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

Anastasia Steel goes to interview Christian Grey and falls for him. Grey, a handsome billionaire, has mutual feelings for her, but he does physical closeness a bit differently.

Does this series really need introduction? probably not. This bestselling story has sold millions of copies worldwide, and it also had a movie adaptation starred by Dakota Johnson and Jamie Norman.

While we are pretty sure you have already read these books, we believe it’s fair that this series is included in a list of novels like crossfire series, because they have indeed a similar tone and plot.

2. On Dublin Street by Samantha Young

Jocelyn Butler moves to Scotland from the US to start over, but when she moves into an apartment, she finds a man who is about to break her down to her darkest secrets.

1. Gabriel’s Rapture by Sylvain Reynard

On vacation in Italy, Professor Gabriel Emerson is in a relationship with his ex-student Julia Mitchell, but many factors threaten their bond as they return home. This series is a trilogy, which means that it’s a shorter read than most of the previous suggestions shown above.

Do you know any more books like Bared to You? tell them to us!

We love you to participate as much as we enjoy making our list as complete as possible. Because of this, if you know any more books similar to the Crossfire series that you believe should be on the list we encourage you to leave a comment with all your suggestions (we’d appreaciate a short blurb so we can easily check if they deserve to be included), or you can use our contact form.

There you have it, a great list with lots of new novels to read. Also, if you like fantasy then you have to take a look at this post with books like the Name of the Wind, the popular series by author Patrick Rothfuss.

I Hope this list of books like the Crossfire series were of your liking, did you purchase any of these books? or maybe you added them to your to be read list? if so, leave a comment now telling us which you chose! and of course, if you know any other books like Bared to You that should be on the list just tell us as well and your suggestions will be added!

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