Shattered realms series order

Shattered Realms series in order by Cinda Williams Chima books

If are seeking the Seven Realms series order here you will find the best way to read Cinda Williams Chima’s books. Maybe you searched for Shattered Realms series and you are a bit confused right now, do not worry, that is the sequel, and you will find its order here as well.

As a result, we will mention this books indistinctly. Oh, but aside from finding the Shattered Realms series in order you will also an amazing book set recommendation that by no means you should miss! Are you ready to get into the the Seven Realms? let’s do this then!

Seven Realms series order books by Cinda Williams Chima (and Shattered Realms)

I suggest you read the Seven Realms series in publication order, this is the best way to read these books by Cinda Williams Chima since they were published in the chronological order of the story. After this, you should read The Shattered Realms.

This the the order for the Seven Realms series . Want to check out any of them? it’s as easy as clicking on their cover, the link takes you to Amazon (opens in a new tab):

If you want to read the sequel series, here you have all the Shattered Realm books in order:

seven realms book 1

1. Flamecaster

▷See Now!

seven realms book 2

2. Shadowcaster

▷See Now!

seven realms book 3

3. Stormcaster

▷See Now!

seven realms book 4

4 Deathcaster

▷See Now!

Now that you have the Seven Realms series in order, check out this book set

If you want to start the Seven Realms by Cinda Williams Chima then this book set is perfect for you. It has 4.7 out of 5 stars, having more than 150 reviews, and it collects the four books in the Shattered Realms series.

This Seven Realms book set is both a great gift for someone who likes to read, and also if you want to start to read this series this is a great choice for you to get all the books in a nice collection.

A list with all the books in the Seven Realms series

Here you have a list with all the books in both the Seven Realms and the Shattered Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima, both published by Hyperion Book publishing.

seven realms series order

Shattered Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima

Seven Realms series in order


  • Hyperion

Reading order:

  • The Demon King (Seven Realms book 1)
  • The Exiled Queen (Seven Realms book 2)
  • The Gray Wolf Throne (Seven Realms book 3)
  • The Crimson Crown  (Seven Realms book 4)
  • Flamecaster (The Shattered Realms book 1)
  • Shadowcaster (The Shattered Realms book 2)
  • Stormcaster (The Shattered Realms book 3)
  • Deathcaster (The Shattered Realms book 4)

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What is this series about?

The Seven Realms is a high fantasy series that takes place in the medieval Queendom of the Fells and centers on 16-year-old  Han Alistar, a wizard, who will aid Princess Raisa ana’Marianna in her quest to claim her right to the Gray Wolf Throne.

The sequel, The Shattered Realms , has the same setting, but centers on the progeny of the characters from the original series. This is why it makes sense to start reading the Seven Realms first, this way you will understand better the relationships between characters.

Both series are finished, so you don’t have to wait for the next installment in the series. Cinda Williams Chima’s books have an average rating of 4.21 out of 5 stars, having more than 350,000 ratings and 23,000 reviews.

Author Cinda Williams estates that this series has different influences, she says she loves high fantasy, Lord of The Rings, Hollow Hills by Mary Stewart, or George R.R Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire are some of her influences.

Interestingly, the setting for The Seven Realm series was actually created for another book, Star Marked Warder, which the author never finished.

There you had it, The Shattered Realm series in order, and also its prequel. If you are looking for more book suggestions take a look at this list of high fantasy book series.

Also, if you like worlds with magic, then you must check out this post with the Magisterium series by Cassandra Clare and Holly Black, a must read for Harry Potter fans.

Will you read the original series or will you rather just begin with the prequel? leave a comment now telling us how you decided to read this amazing fantasy series.

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