best warcraft books

The best Warcraft novels

If you are seeking  the World of Warcraft books in order it’s because you want to dig deeper in the story of Wow. The lore of this rpg is fascinating, a story introduced previously in the three real-time strategy games and subsequently immensely expanded thanks to World of Warcraft and Hearthstone. Do you want to know the best reading order for the Warcraft books? or maybe you are wondering which are The best Warcraft novels? it’s time to find out.

But not only you will find the best world of warcraft books, but also we have the perfect book set recommendation so you can start reading the wow novels.

World of Warcraft books in order, don’t know where to start? read the best Wow novels this way

We suggest you read the Warcraft books in chronological order. This way you will understand better the events that take place in this fantasy world.

Here you have the World of Warcraft novels in order. Want to get any of these? then it’s as easy as clicking on their cover:

These are by far the best novels about the Wow universe, we suggest you read them in the order we listed them, because the first novel shown sets the lore for the next installments.

Now that you have the World of Warcraft books in order, you can check out this set with the best wow novels

This set collects some of the best Warcraft books so it is a great way for you to start reading this series:

If you want to know more about this Blizzard’s universe the Warcraft novels are a great way to enjoy the journey of all those Wow characters you love such as Arthas, Thrall or Illidan Stormrage.

You have no idea where to start with the World of Warcraft books? Say no more, let`s go:

List of the Warcraft books in order

Here you have this list with the Warcraft books reading order:

world of warcraft books in order

What order to read World of Warcraft books

World of warcraft novels in order


  • World of Warcraft

Reading order:

  • WarCraft Chronicle Volume 1
  • Rise of the Horde by Christie Golden
  • The Last Guardian by Jeff Grubb
  • Tides of Darkness by Aaron Rosenburg
  •  Beyond the Dark Portal by Christie Golden & Aaron Rosenburg
  • The Well of Eternity by Richard A. Knaak (War of the Ancients 1)
  • The Demon Soul by Richard A. Knaak (War of the Ancients 2)
  • The Sundering by Richard A. Knaak (War of the Ancients 3)
  • Lord of the Clans by Christie Golden
  • Of Blood and Honor by Chris Metzen

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How many Wow books are there?

There is a total of 23 Warcraft books. 7 are Warcraft series while the other 16 are World of Warcraft series. Even so, the names of this series are a bit misleading since Wow series includes books whose events take place way before the events of World of Warcraft. This is the case of  Beyond the Dark Portal which takes place during the Second War, or The Burning Crusade, which occurs a hundred years before Wow begins.

Do I have to play Blizzard videogames in order to enjoy the books?

Not exactly.  Of course, the more you know about the Wow universe the better since you will be able to make the interconnection better with the events occurred in the videogames. Sadly, not all those events are explained in the novels, that is the case of the Third War for example, which in order to know what happens you might have to play Warcraft 3 since such events are not covered deep enough in any of these novels.

Aside from that, most of these stories can be read despite not having a wide knowledge of the Warcraft lore since the story itself is self-contained in the books.

Are Wow books good?

Being honest, some of these books are far from being the best-written books ever. Even so, the story is usually good and they are worth reading.

These books are written by different authors, as it happens with the Warhammer novels.

Which Warcraft books are worth reading

As said before, not all the Wow novels are that good. If you only want to read the best Warcraft books then I suggest at least reading these since they are considered the best Warcraft novels:

  • Rise of the Horde
  • Lord of the Clans
  • War Crimes
  • Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
  • Tides of Darkness
  • Illidan
  • The Shattering

The ones previously mentioned are the must read Wow books, don’t get this wrong, other novels in the series are good, but not as good as these.

Where can I read Warcraft books online

Unfortunately, there are no online platforms that allow you to read these novels online, however, in this article, you will find where to buy all the Wow novels that compose this series.

How to read Warcraft books

If you want to give this series a chance and you are wondering what is the proper order to read all the Warcraft novels, the best way to read them is by chronological order, however you must know that these books tell stories of different characters, therefore, the  action takes place in different location and years. As a result, it is not easy to read all the Warcraft books in order.

Even so, the best way to read these books would be in chronological order.

Hope this book list was useful for you, here you will have the top wow books. Can’t you wait for vanilla? share with us!

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